Friday, December 2, 2011

Prayers not enough for a better world’

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lamaon Thursday expressed his disappointment overcorruption that was spreading like a cancerous disease and urged youths to work towards building a healthy society.

Addressing a gathering in Kolkata , the Dalai Lama expressed his bewilderment over how some Indians were corrupt despite being religious. "I can understand that in China, they don't care much about moral principles and run only after power and money. But in India, people pray and make offerings to God in the morning and then step out and indulge in corruption. How can this happen? Either believe in God and live a principled life. Or worship money, be corrupt and exploit," he said.

Pointing out how India has a history of an ancient and sophisticated civilization compared with that of Greece and China, the Dalai Lama said Indians have traditionally been gurus and Tibetans chelas (disciples). "When I see some part of my guru being corrupt, as a chela I feel ashamed," he lamented.

Though the Tibetan spiritual leader did not make a reference to the movement launched by Team Anna and their insistence on a Jan Lok Pal bill, he said a better community could not be created by law and Parliament."Don't blame a few politicians for the ill that plagues the society. They are from done through individual actions. In order to act, one requires will power that can come through truth and conviction," he said.

Urging students to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, the spiritual leader felt real transformation of India needed to start from rural areas instead of cities. "Please build this nation in a balanced way with a longterm and holistic vision ," the Dalai Lama said.

"I belong to 20th century. My generation is ready to say goodbye. Despite many positive developments, it was primary the century of war, nuclear weapon, untold misery and suffering. It is on the shoulders of the young generation of the 21st century that the responsibility ofcreating a new and healthy society rests," the Dalai Lama added. "A better world will not be achieved through prayers. It has to bedone through individual actions. In order to act, one requires will power that can come through truth and conviction," he said.

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